Thanks for joining Dang Old Man. If you're reading this, you'll receive my next post right here in your inbox as soon as I publish it (they hit weekly-ish). And if you can't wait, you can always binge-read the archives.

I started Dang Old Man last summer as a writing/storytelling workout, giving zero shits except to play with words and have fun, and immediately saw all these conversations starting, direct connections forming with my fellow humans.

It's way nicer than feeding an algorithm. Maybe that's why you're here too.

All last year, Dang Old Man was a party of familiar/new faces reading my stories, sharing their own, and it's going to get even better now that you're here.

What to Expect

This experience won't be one-sided marketing emails. You're joining a rolling conversation about storytelling, international nomadic art life and how to enjoy a short life as a small primate in a chaotic world.

You'll receive a short story every week (-ish), but I'm also aiming to serialize longer works like novellas here, serialize all my new comics, and even audio pieces I'm currently farting around with.

In Conclusion

There's no conclusion. Just know I'm happy that you’re here with me.

And SO: I hereby invite you to comment, reply and engage me about these works I'm sending out into the world. This door’s a revolving one and I totally love knowing that you’re out there receiving me.

OK talk soon,