You'll receive the next post I send in your inbox as soon as I publish it. If you can't wait, may I point you towards my bingeable archives.

I started this newsletter as a writing/storytelling workout, giving zero 💩s except to play with words and have fun. Immediately I saw all these conversations starting, direct organic connections forming with my fellow humans.

It's way nicer than feeding an algorithm. Maybe that's why you're here too.

All last year, we had a party of familiar/new faces reading my stories, sharing their own, and it's going to get even better now that you're here.

What to Expect

This newsletter was never about promotion. You've joined a campfire around which I'll tell you stories and you are always invited to sound off, respond, engage. I write these pieces because they are knocking around wanting to get out.

You'll receive a new story every week or two, as well as first listens to an audio project I'll be launching soon (other features are coming too).

Kinjin Storylab is also where I'll be launching all my new serialized comics, but those will be paid subscriptions (with an occasional tease). If you'd like to read those, you can upgrade your plan here:

In Conclusion

There's no conclusion. I'm just happy that you’re here with me. That's the takeaway.

See you in your inbox,