Shooting War β a collaboration with Anthony LappΓ© as artist and co-writer β was my first "professional" comic project. It was an early viral project that became an Eisner-nominated webcomic before starting a bidding war between mainstream publishers.

From the book jacket:
The global war on terror is raging out of control. The president is popping Prozac. And the #1 selling videogame in 2011 America is the terrorist-simulator Infidel Massacre: Los Angeles. On the streets of gentrified Brooklyn, videoblogger Jimmy Burns' latest anti-corporate rant is cut short by a terrorist bombing of a Starbucks...but his live feed isn't. When his dramatic footage is uploaded by Global News ("Your home for 24-hour terror coverage") and rebroadcast across the planet, the obscure blogger is transformed into an overnight media sensation. The next thing he knows he's on a Black Hawk helicopter inbound for Baghdad, working for the same mainstream media monster he once loathed. Burns soon finds that everyone from his ratings-ravenous network overlords to Special Ops troops with messianic complexes to a charismatic band of tech-savvy jihadists all want to make him their pawn.
Shooting War is an irreverent and unflinching graphic novel satirizing network news, the Iraq War, and the burgeoning "citizen journalism" movement that Rolling Stone magazine calls "a scary-smart take on what the horrors of the future may hold."
This book was ahead of its time in many ways, as a disrupter of publishing models and as a harbinger of the "forever war" we're still a part of.
"This is a winner...the Apocalypse Now of the War on Terrorism, told in the form of a brilliantly rendered graphic novel."

"A stunningly rendered graphic novel that manages to stick a red-hot skewer the war on terror, Islamic jihad, the mainstream media and the antiestablishment blogosphere in one fell swoop."

"Fierce, shocking, over-the-top, and wickedly smart." -New York Magazine

"Ambitious...A determined citizen journalist (and overnight celebrity) infuriated by the mainstream media's indifference to the endless war, Burns aims to bring home the facts on the ground." -Paper